Sleepy Sheep

The knitting, literary, musical, and other miscellaneous adventures of one sleepy sheep.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

In the Spirit of Spring

Well, I am happy to report that I am finally moved in after a rather emotional move. I still have a couple of half-unpacked boxes, but I think in the next two weeks, I should be able to begin to entertain. :)

And I went to a spinning lesson last night. I think I am going to purchase the Louet S17. I am concerned about jumping into a double treadle wheel for $600+ . I have two gift certificates to White Rock Weaving and so I will be happy to get my wheel soon.

I am planning to have a craft area. One bookcase comepletely dedicated to craft books and clear plastic boxes full of organized supplies. That may be a project for next weekend.

I have found a new job and I am loving it. I forget what is like to be a valued employee with responsibilities. And on top of that, I truly respect my boss and the way that my department is run. Thank you.


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